The Problem
Recruiters submit a candidate →
Client rejects the applicant →
Later on, the client hires the candidate without informing the recruiting firm →
Missed revenue and lost fees due to backdoor hires.
By leveraging AI and Big Data, we continuously monitor thousands of candidates post-submission over an extended period.
Tracks where your candidates eventually got placed at.
If a backdoor hire is detected - we provide concrete evidence of placements.
Recover Lost Placement Fees
No more missing out on your rightful fees.
Only Pay for Results - No Risk
Free to use — we only charge if we detect a backdoor hire (as a percentage of your placement fee).
About Us
Built by industry veterans with dozens of years as recruiting agencies and headhunters.
After years of experiencing lost placement fees when clients hired their candidates without notice (sometimes months after a position closed), the founders decided to create a software tool to help the recruiting community detect and recover lost placements.
We are committed to building trust and transparency for our clients.